Why a Whale?

One question we get asked at Scobi Kombucha over and over is “Why is your logo a whale?” Well, the long awaited answer to your question has arrived. We have not one, but three reasons why we have chosen a whale as our Scobi Kombucha symbol.

The Whale is a Symbol for the Environment

It is common knowledge that whales are the largest mammals in the world. Swimming throughout the world’s oceans, these majestic giants create a sense of wonder in anyone lucky enough to catch a glimpse. However, these noble creatures are in danger everyday from the effects of pollution. Large quantities of plastic in the oceans are often unintentionally consumed by marine animals, including whales. 

For this reason, Scobi Kombucha decided on a whale as its official logo. We utilize it to raise awareness of the negative impact pollution has on the environment, and, more importantly, that we can take steps against pollution and create a safe and healthy environment for all creatures of the ocean, including whales.

Western Interior Seaway

Western Interior Seaway

Ancestors to Whales in the Black Hills

Did you know that the Black Hills were once covered by water? It’s true! North America was cut in half by the Western Interior Seaway during the mid-Cretaceous Period. All manner of creatures thrived in the shallower waters of this sea. There were corals and clams, ancient fish and sharks, plesiosaur and much more. Some pretty fantastic animals made this waterway their home, including the ancestors of whales. The next time you take a hike around the Black Hills, keep an eye out for fossilized shells in the rocks or maybe some giant turtle shells.

Why Not a Whale?

The final reason why a whale represents Scobi Kombucha is simply because we like whales. The Black Hills are beautiful and inspiring with a picturesque landscape and a menagerie of animal life.

Instead of choosing some of these typical Black Hills symbols, however, we wanted something that would draw some attention and make people ask questions. Did it work? 

Beyond any doubt, we love the Black Hills and everything they have to offer including a wholesome and supportive community that we love being a part of. We hope through Scobi Kombucha to be an inspiration to others on their wellness journeys and encourage them to always be curious and ask questions.

That’s Why a Whale :)

That’s Why a Whale :)